
My name is Nahum Drakos, I'm a software developer from Greece, tech enthusiast and a *nix lover. Writing solid-simple code based on performance is my passion for over a decade and I'm currently providing solutions for small businesses. You can /contact me for further details about my services.

Stack I'm using for various projects

  • Node.js Logo
  • MongoDB Logo
  • React Logo
  • InfluxDB Logo
  • Redis Logo
  • Nginx Logo
  • AWS Logo
  • Kubernetes Logo
  • Docker Logo
  • Digital Ocean Logo
  • Cloudflare Logo
  • Grafana Logo

What else

I also focus on IoT and automation, aim to provide valuable insights and resources for professionals in the IT industry. This blog designed to give information on the latest trends in programming languages to tips for implementing automation for everyone, I cover a wide range of electronics topics on my blog. I hope that my content will inspire and educate readers as they navigate the exciting world of IT and electronics. Thank you for joining me on this journey. I look forward to sharing our knowledge and experience with you.